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Callisto Bay Jewellery

Crystals have always fascinated me. The cut, the colours, the 'magical powers'. When I started designing jewellery around 16 years ago, I loved collecting and using semi precious gemstone beads and cabochons in my pieces. Recently, I've found myself wanting to revisit them. I sorted through my sizeable stash of gemstones, both precious and semi-precious, and created a few special pieces for myself that really brought me joy. They were my refuge from the craziness all around us right now, my sanctuary of calm and tranquility.

So much so that I'm very proud and excited to announce that I will be making some very special pieces to also share with you - because I believe we could all do with a little extra calm and tranquility at this time. Using high quality components and drawing on my 16+ years of jewellery design experience, I am delighted to be able to once more pour my heart and soul into each and every unique item you see here.

I hope they bring you as much joy wearing them as they bring me when I create them!

This collection is chock full of limited edition pieces that may not be able to be recreated once sold, due to the fact that some of these gemstones have been in my collection for many years and may not be available currently. If you see something that speaks to you, I suggest you don't dilly dally too long in case you miss out!

I've now created Facebook and Instagram pages for Callisto Bay Jewellery (so I don't spam my Curly Clients with jewellery stuff if they're not into it!). If you ARE into jewellery though, I'd love it if you'd pop over and join me there :-)


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