Struggling to fit all your hair into a regular-sized shower cap? Looking for something a wee bit more upmarket than the standard plastic ones? Need a satin-lined shower cap to protect your curls while also keeping them dry? Look no further! Available in two different sizes - for short to mid-length or long hair (or, if you're a curly, those sizes would be curly pixie/bob/inverted bob or Merida from 'Brave'), these gorgeous satin-lined shower caps will not let you down! 100% waterproof with a super-soft outer, they're extremely luxe. Best of all they'll not only keep your hair dry but they'll make sure it stays frizz-free too. You're welcome :-)
If this page is empty, it means we're currently between batches of ShowerCaps but there will be more on the way very soon! The best way to grab one is to sign up to the MAILING LIST to be notified as soon as a new batch is available!